ESA 180KVA and ESD 300KW were successfully delivered to TaiwanIn July 2021, Bridge Technology successfully delivered four 180kVA ESA series programmable bidirectional AC source and one 300KW ESD series programmable bidirectional DC source to a well-known company in Taiwan. ESA 180-400-273-R/33101 is used as a grid simulator which meet the requirements of grid tied DG regulations testing, such as:grid voltage abnormality test, grid frequency abnormality test, low/zero voltage ride through test, anti-islanding test, etc. ESA 180 has various simulation functions, including: voltage and frequency fluctuations, voltage sags, low/zero voltage ride through, three-phase unbalance, harmonics and inter-harmonics. ESD series adopts dual DSP+FPGA and bi-directional design, which makes it possible to be used as DC power source or regenerative DC load. CV/CC/CP/CR operation modes are available for both sourcing and sinking. It has the characteristics of full energy feedback, high accuracy and fast current rise. BripowerTM power supplies provide standard software to support multiple parameter settings. Combined with the storage and reload function of sequence mode, which can complete the product test and provide a cost-effective solution for user inverter test.